The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP)
The Department of County Affairs and Prosecution services comprises of three divisions. Shall be headed by a Director County Affairs and Prosecution Services, DPP 2 who will be responsible to the Director of Public Prosecutions for the overall performance and administration of the Department.
Coordinating and Supervising regional county offices and division within the department
Supervise the handling of prosecutions in respect of general and regulatory offences in Counties ,including ensuring these offices adhere to approved policies and guidelines and submit periodic returns
Advise the Government, Ministries, departments and other agencies on matters relating to county affairs, that relate to the office of the director of public prosecutions
Handle international and regional treaties and other instruments dealing with general or regulatory offences
Coordinating Research, review and make recommendations on the status and quality of the laws on general and regulatory offences
Prepare periodic reports on the affairs of the department, divisions, regional and county offices
Advise on policies, guidelines and strategies for the Department county affairs and delegated prosecutions
Supporting delegated prosecutions and monitoring quality assurance
Undertake Counsel performance management
Handling of complaints and compliments
Promoting collaboration and partnership with stakeholders
Coordination of regional affairs
Undertake regular inspections of prosecution operations in the county to ensure adherence to standards
Mr. Alloys Kemo is the Deputy Director in the Department of Prosecution Training Institute (PTI). Mr. Kemo is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and was admitted to the bar on 1995. He holds a Master’s of Science in Leadership & Governance from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) , LLB Degree from Nagpur University, and a postgraduate diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law.
Mr. Kemo has previously served as a Regional Head, Coast Region between 2019 to 2021 before heading to Rift Valley as a Regional head. He has also served as a deputy head in the Department of offences against the person and Head of the Penal Code Offences Division between 2013 to 2018 at the Office of the Direction of Public Prosecutions.
He has also been a member of several committees that developed key prosecution policies and guidelines such as; the ODPP Act of 2012, National Prosecution guidelines, the Diversion policy, Diversion guidelines, the Plea bargain guidelines and The Decision to Charge guidelines amongst others. He also attended several prosecution courses in various thematic areas and in management and in Leadership.
Mr. Kemo has vast experience electoral Justice and lead the ODPP Election Offences Prosecution Team in the 2017 National General Elections and also the ODPP Election Preparedness Committee in the 2022 National General Elections. He is a trainer and has facilitated external trainings and also internal training for ODPP staff.