The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP)

Complaints & Compliments

Do you have a compliment or a complaint about ODPP or any question about criminal matters concluded or pending in court? We would like to hear from you.


  • Develop and implement complaints handling strategy procedures and guidelines.

  • Advise the Director of Public Prosecutions on a complaints handling process.

  • Receive, address and advise on complaints/compliments from the headquarters, stakeholders and the public. Forward complaints emanating and regarding County issues to the relevant County Heads.

  • To keep the ODPP informed of any complaints/compliment that may require his urgent and personal attention.

  • Establish a data base that records the particulars of each complaint/compliment.

  • Develop an IT programme that captures the progress of all the complaints and the incidental matters thereof.

  • Establish a complaints handling committee that supports the I.T database on problematic areas.

  • Prepare and submit quarterly reports with appropriate recommendations to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

  • Developing and implementing a witness and victim support system in ODPP.

  • Coordinate and monitor implementation of the above mentioned complaints handling strategy.

What is the procedure of lodging a complaint?

Any member of the public who wishes to lodge a complaint MUST put in writing the nature of  the complaint in the form of a letter addressed to the ODPP. The letter should include as much  information as possible relevant to the issue being complained of.

The complaint can be sent through:

  • Letter (post or hand delivered)
  • Email

How to register feedback at ODPP:

A complement or positive criticism can be sent to:
Tel: 020 2186786 or 0734 939048
Office of Director of Public Prosecutions,
NSSF Building, Block ‘A’, 19th
Box 30701-00100, Nairobi

Follow up on a complaint can be through:

  • Letter
  • Email
  • Telephone call
  • Face to face interview
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