The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP)

Department of Economic, Organised & International Crimes

This was previously referred to as Economic, International and Emerging Crimes. The department is headed by Director Economic, DPP 2.


  • Handling prosecutions in respect of Economic and International Crimes

  • Supervising the handling of prosecutions in respect of Economic and International Crimes and ensuring that officers adhere to approved policies and guidelines and submitting periodic returns

  • Conducting criminal and related proceedings in relation to cases instituted before courts of law

  • Promoting collaboration with partners and other stakeholders

  • Advising the Government, Ministries, departments and other agencies on matters relating to offences Economic and International Crimes

  • Handling international and regional treaties and other instruments having a bearing on the prevention, control and prosecution of offences Economic and International Crimes

  • Conducting research, review and making of recommendations on the status and quality of the laws on offences Economic and International Crimes

  • Preparing of guidelines on prosecuting offences Economic and International Crimes

  • Guiding and advising investigating agencies in relation to offences Economic and International Crimes

  • Analysis of judgments, and preparation of appropriate documents for appeal, review, or revision and related proceedings where necessary

  • Handling matters relating to local tracing of criminals assets and carrying out forfeiture proceedings as required by law

  • Providing policy guidelines and strategies in matters relating to offences Economic and International Crimes

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