The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP)

Department of Inspectorate & Quality Assurance

The Department of Inspectorate and Quality Assurance was established on 1st October 2020 to offer oversight and accountability mechanisms and to guard against abuse of the discretion bestowed upon Prosecution Counsel. The aim of the Inspectorate is to ensure quality services are offered to the people of Kenya and also enhance the performance of the Office thereby increasing public confidence in its work.


  • Inspectorate and Quality Assurance division

    The Inspectorate and Quality Assurance division conducts inspection of prosecution operations and makes recommendations that will contribute to the improvement of prosecution operations and enhance public confidence in prosecution in Kenya. It also monitors and evaluates the effectiveness and quality of public prosecutions so as to determine and advise the DPP on areas that require improvement.

  • Internal Compliance and Ethics Division

    The Internal Compliance and Ethics division investigates complaints of professional and ethical misconduct against ODPP Staff to ensure adherence to the Constitution, the code of conduct for Public Prosecutors and other ODPP policies and guidelines. It also develops and implements policies, sensitization programs and procedures that ensure that ODPP employees are fully familiar with their professional and ethical obligations. Through internal compliance, the office is able to hold staff accountable for their decisions and actions, thereby improving on the quality of prosecution services.

  • Complaints and Compliments Division

    The division is tasked with handling complaints and compliments from the members of the public with regard to access to justice. This ranges from complaints relating to other criminal justice agencies such as Judiciary, investigative agencies and any other general complaint. In regard to complaints that do not fall under the mandate of the Director of Prosecutions, the ODPP refers the said complaints to the relevant agencies to ensure smooth handling of the said complaints. The handling of complaints and compliments has been decentralised to the county level to allow quick resolution of complaints received from the public and members of the public are advised to visit the nearest ODPP Office in case of any complaints. During the period under review, the ODPP saw a reduction in the number of complaints received which is attributed to the effort made by the ODPP to sensitize the public on its mandate.

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